Dindigul, Tamilnadu


Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Orchid's Special School Curriculam

What we teach and how we teach it.?

A programme for each child

As a child passes through the school and develops, it could be said that s/he is climbing a ladder. Each step represents a skill and the ladder is taking the child towards independence.

Because each child is different and has different strengths, the next rung on the ladder will be unique to them. For some, the next step will be sitting, walking, or pointing to a chosen toy, and for others it may be cooking lunch or reading the sports page of the newspaper. Therefore, to meet each pupil’s needs an individual programme of work is drawn up every term.

This programme is usually a number of steps or goals that the pupil will work on and aim to achieve by the end of that term.

Parents and families

Our vital partners it is our belief that the most effective learning takes place when school and home work together.

Parents are particularly encouraged to take an active part in, and contribute to, the setting of their children’s individual termly goals. Parents are always welcome in the school and no appointment is necessary (although prior notice is appreciated).

Orchids psychology and therapies team

Our students follow a co-ordinated individually tailored programme of learning structured throughout their waking day which is supported throughout by our multidisciplinary psychology and therapies team.

The team has constant communication with all our students in both group and one-to-one sessions and offer a wide range of integrated therapies.

These include physio, occupational, play, speech and language and sensory integration therapy. The teams consist of skilled professional in their field, including Clinical and Educational Psychologists.

Together they work to ensure that the individual needs of every student are met from the very start of their stay.

The assessment forms the basis of a personalized, targeted, plan that covers learning, care, therapy and health. This approach continues throughout the student’s time with us, and is constantly evaluated and developed.


Physios are probably the best known of the therapists who work with children with special needs. There are a variety of ideas among physios about the best way to treat some conditions, especially cerebral palsy.

Occupational therapy

When students join us, they are assessed by the occupational therapy team and a programme devised to provide the most appropriate sensory integration experiences. These provide the foundation for the development of educational and life skills, and allow us to understand and meet our student’s individual behaviors and needs.

occupational therapy is also offered to support the development of the skills needed to carry out a specific activity. This could include the development of the sensory, motor (movement), social, emotional and cognitive (thinking) skills needed for self-care activities, school activities, play, sports, etc.

Speech and language therapies

The development of communication skills are a core element of Orchids care. We recognize and prioritise communication skills therapies that enable students to express their needs and views and to understand others.

Working on a 1:1 basis or in groups, using a variety of techniques, Orchids encourages a student-led approach, focusing on developing the fundamentals of early communication skills such as turn taking, eye contact, joint attention, attention-gaining and body language, with the aim of showing students that interaction with others can be enjoyable and worthwhile.

Play therapy

The emotional wellbeing of our students is also supported by child-led, non-directive play therapy which encourages self-expression, exploration and the working through of emotional struggles.

Children use different media, such as sand, art, music, puppetry and clay, to explore difficult emotions and feelings, as well as experiences from their past, present or future.