Orchid’s Special school was founded with a noble purpose of helping and transforming the special children of differently-abled, to live on par with normal. This is our endeavor.
Our blooming foundation trust (registered under trust act no: 47/2013 dt 6.12.2013) is run only with donations and with sponsorship.
We need your support and assistance.
Bank Details
Bank Name : Canara Bank
Branch : Gandhigram,Tamilnadu,India
Account Name : Blooming Foundation, Managing Trustee
Account Number : 0 967 1010 168 89
IFSC : CNRB 00 00 967
Please Note:
We request Contributors, please send an email or a mail with your contact details and address.
This is to acknowledge and make an account of your payments.
All our future plans and needs are one tome requirement but some are ongoing.
We also collect any amount from well wishers for corpus and capital funds. This may be regular or onetime payment.
Monthly Cost per Child | in INR | in USD |
Educational Cost | ₹ 1,500 | 25 $ |
Therapy Cost | ₹ 800 | 15 $ |
50% of the Transportation | ₹ 700 | 15 $ |
School Running Expenses | ₹ 700 | 15 $ |
Total Cost Per Child per Month | ₹ 3,700 | 70 $ |
Please send a cheque in the name of “BLOOMING FOUNDATION MANAGING TRUSTEE” to the address in Contacts.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
Approval Under Section 80 G (5) (VI) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Unique registration Number : URNO: AACTB3719P/05/15-16/T-0131/80G Dated 28.12.2015
Order Under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961.
Unique registration Number : URNO: AACTB 3719P/05/15-16/T-0131